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February 2024: Action-Packed Adventures Await at NR Adventure Park!"

Hey there, thrill-seekers! February is just around the corner, and you know what that means—NR Adventure Park is gearing up for an exhilarating month filled with epic events and promotions that will get your adrenaline pumping. Whether you're a paintball fanatic, an airsoft enthusiast, or just looking for an unforgettable day out, we've got something special in store for you. Let's dive into the action-packed lineup for February 2024:

Airsoft: After Dark 2/17/2024 at NR Adventure Park

By popular demand, our "Airsoft: After Dark" Night Game is back in February! Picture this: a moonlit battlefield, intense night missions, and non-stop action. Limited to just 50 players, this event offers a unique and immersive airsoft experience that you won't want to miss. Register in advance online for only $35 and secure your spot in the darkness. For those looking to make a day of it, we're open from 9 am to 4 pm as well, with discounted entry for those who pre-register for both day and night.

Are you ready to step into the shoes of the Consortium or Guardians? Join us on February 18th for "The Battle for Veridia," a paintball scenario event unlike any other. The fictional city of Veridia is the backdrop for this epic showdown between two powerful factions. With ideologies at odds, the fate of the city hangs in the balance, and it's up to you to shape the narrative. Gather your team, strategize, and become a part of this thrilling story.

Fictional Veridia City Scene for the Battle of Veridia Paintball Scenario Event 2/17/2024 at NR Adventure Park

Paintball Birthday Party at NR Adventure Park

Is your birthday coming up? Why settle for the same old cake and balloons when you can celebrate with a thrilling paintball adventure? NR Adventure Park is your go-to destination for unforgettable birthday parties. With private group packages, low-impact options for younger players, and a variety of game modes, you can tailor your celebration to your preferences. Plus, our competitive pricing ensures that you can have a blast without breaking the bank.

Airsoft Combat Pass

Introducing the Airsoft Combat Pass—a game-changer for airsoft enthusiasts. For just $250, you'll receive 12 walk-on entries (they never expire), an entry to an airsoft night game, an NR Adventure Park embroidered patch (each ID purchase unlocks a new color), a free NR lanyard, and more! With additional benefits that expire one year from the date of purchase, this pass offers unbeatable value for those looking to elevate their airsoft game.

5. Buddy Passes: Share the Adventure

We're all about camaraderie and teamwork here at NR Adventure Park. That's why we've introduced Buddy Passes! Now, when you purchase the Airsoft Combat Pass or Paintball VIP Membership, you can bring a friend along for the adventure, and their entry and rental gear (if needed) are free. It's the perfect way to share the excitement with your pals.

6. Regular Events and Open Play

Of course, we'll continue to offer our regular walk-on and open play sessions throughout February. On February 18th, we will be closed for Airsoft for the day and only running Paintball during "The Battle for Veridia" Scenario Event. Whether you're looking for some casual fun with friends or you want to hone your skills in a competitive environment, our paintball and airsoft fields are ready and waiting for you.

Paintball Players walking off one of the paintball fields at NR Adventure Park

So, mark your calendars and get ready for an action-packed February at NR Adventure Park. Whether you're joining the battle in "The Battle for Veridia," celebrating your birthday in style, or taking advantage of our fantastic promotions, we can't wait to see you on the field. Stay tuned to our website and social media channels for updates, and don't forget to book your spot in advance to secure your spot in these thrilling events. We'll see you at the field!

Until next time, keep your paintballs flying and your airsoft guns blazing!

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